Wednesday, 1 March 2017

5 things that a stag experiences in a NightClub

1.High Entry Prices

High Prices for Single Guy entry or stag entry not allowed inside the most happening clubs around the city. India plays by its own rules and this is one hell of a regulation for boys. One of the reason may be bars/clubs think that most single boys come with the intention of getting laid and might misbehave with girls inside. But none the less its disaster for boys!

2. Find a stranger girl

        You try to approach a single girl near by the bar, and try to convince her to pretend as your girlfriend just to hit the pub.

   3. All Alone

You feel like a stranger as everyone is with their partners and having a ball of a time.

4. Would you like to Dance

You approach a girl and ask her “would you like to dance ” , to which majority of the time girls reacts as a) she just walks away, b) she looks back at you, laughs and says “with you? Hell No”.

5. Party Like It's 1947

You can drink freely and dance like what you like and there’s nobody to judge you expect the girls in the bar, who already thinks that you are a moron ! But at the positive side party as hard as you can ….

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